Monday, December 05, 2005

iSit, iPod, iBlog

Just thought I would let you know what I am doing this evening...

We just put up the first stage of the Christmas tree (I don't have the patience to make it look right all in one sitting)
Had to repair the tree lights - weirdly my second session of repairing fairy lights today.

now Jo is having a bath and I am sitting quietly in the living room enjoying "the courtyard theme" from "shawshank redemption" off the "universal music presents" CD which of course I am listening to off my new ipod

(warning techy talk...) I'm also enjoying my new speaker placement - bought 20 meters of new speaker cable and got my speakers in a half decent position to get a good coverage of the three sofa's in the living room. first chance i've had to properly listen to the new setup.

The 4ft tall penguin is looking at me and the cat is purring on the sofa next to me

What a perfectly chilled end to an evening


At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Si, why no more blogs?


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