Thursday, October 20, 2005

Snap happy

Just sitting here at work and I have downloaded the new google dektop thingy. Its quite good - it shows you news headlines, lists of your emails in both outlook and web based accounts like gmail. But my favorite bit is the photo viewer.

this little box on the screen scrolls through you pictures all day long - it great to see some of the old photos that I haven't looked at for years.
brings back loads of good memories of the stuff I have been involved in such as holidays and the like.
one tip though is to be careful what folders you tell it to search through for photos - save red faces if any slightly dodgy shots appear....

Try it - you might like it....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Look, New Feel, New Skin

Please allow me to draw attention to the fact that my blog has been revamped by LARD (otherwise known as Lloyd), he is a really good friend who has a lot of time for people even when he's tired from working all the hours God sends!
(he even has time to spruce up blogs...)

So a big thank you to LARD for..... Well, everything!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Turning into my dad

Talking of turning into my dad.... Last night I went to TIZ (been saying I would go for ages...) spent some time there playing games with the kids, they absolutely whooped me I didn't have a clue what was happening and couldn't really see what the little guy I was controlling was doing...

then they showed me the latest thing that some of them are in to - Backyard Wrestling! Its basically reinacting wresting fights they've seen on the telly (hulk Hogan style...)
all together this is much more real as in they actually are hurting each other by smashing light tubes over their heads etc.

All I was thinking was - where are the parents! And how are they getting away with it on school property!

Just the sort of thing my dad would say! And I never thought I would be like that.

oh well I guess it was inevitable

Baby on Board

No! Before you all get excited, Jo is not having a baby....

driving to work yesterday i got stuck behind a flashy VW golf - all the extra, alloys, tinted windows, chrome finish all over the lights etc.
But what I could just about make out in the rear tinted window was one of those yellow "baby on board" signs.
This made me chuckle - at some point in the recent past, this young man had become a dad and all of a sudden been handed a whole heap of responsibly. (he could have chose not to take on such responsibility but being as the sign was there to warn any potential road-rage filled driver that a small innocent child was in the car, suggests that some of the responsibility has been embraced)
I imagine that this has meant a fair bit of growing up too - letting go a bit of the youthful ways and all that to be a dad.
its funny then to see this boy racer car whizzing down the a3 with a small indication of the change a-foot, from boy to man - from somebody's son to somebody's dad.
I wonder how long he keeps the car!

I guess that's a sign of the first stages of turning into your dad. I'm very much on my way there now - I have the grey hair for starters.

I should point out that I was paying full attention to the road while driving and in no way did I day dream my way to the office and arrive realising I had no idea what went on in the previous 10mins of driving! Anyone else have times like that?!